Assignment 2 - Passed on Resubmission
Assignment 3 - Passed :)
With the switch to the Elementary group, we've also switched from the assistant tutor to the main tutor. We have to now take on more ownership of our lessons and that also means we have more say in what and how to teach our classes. During the discussion last Friday, Heath (main tutor) was in favour of taking out the teaching of numerical lexis (vocabulary related to numbers), but I thought otherwise, having heard one of the students mix up her "hundred" and "thousand" that very day.
So I embarked on designing a Test-Teach-Test lesson around the "simple" topic. The main aim was for students to be able to use the lexis more confidently and my personal aim was just to survive my first Elementary class with the right pacing and timing!
The 40-min lesson with my 4 students (average age 65?) was packed with tasks. At the end of it, I was satisfied knowing that they have taken something away e.g. reading the "point" in 5.5, but not in $5.50.
At the feedback session, I heard the nicest thing from Heath:
He's watched a teacher teach words like calculus, cardinal numbers to a group of Beginners because she thought the topic was too simple. Heath himself had his doubts about this topic. But he felt that my lesson turned out to be the other "extreme". Like...*beams*
For TP5, thank God for the S+ :D