Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Random Musings

How can it be Autumn when it's 1 degree Centigrade?!

How can the 清汤(clear soup) in traditional Beijing hot pot = bland 开水 (boiled water)?!

I see these pups and dogs clothed in chic dog-wear and wonder... How did dogs survive the wintry cold in the past, au naturel?

The Chinese loveee their yoghurt and we've taken a liking to it. We don't have a fridge, so we cool them on the window ledge outside. :)

I only found out today that walls and windows could be double/triple-glazed for insulation (yeah, im the sua-gu summer Singaporean). We've got heaters in rooms but our feet are still cold because nothing keeps the heat in.

Yesterday, I wore a long-sleeved tee beneath a spaghetti dress. I've also tried black leggings under a formal office skirt. I'm not used to these layering at all, but people around seem to think they look good!


My Christian walk is one that is EXPERIENTIAL. These days, I'm again falling back on Prayer, and He has shown me that He listens and works.

"...for apart from Me, you can do nothing." - Jesus

Read today's Daily Bread on Prayer here.

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